Monday, September 20, 2010

Beginning of blog

In light of a recent bet I will be starting a blog. This blog will keep track of any adventure travel that I do, my life and other strange things that happen to me. To start off with I would like to make some guarantees to my soon to be faithful followers.
1. There will not be anything remotely interesting on this blog
2. It will NOT be updated daily or weekly in fact I might update it once a month if your all lucky enough. And finally
3. I have never read a blog before so I dont really even know what I'm doing so don't hate on me don't tell me I suck don't tell me I can't spell don't tell me that I'm boring. I already know all these things. And news for you if you don't like it don't read it I dont mind reading it by myself.
So this concludes my first blog entry look again soon if you would like some more useless information. Possible topics to come:
Opinios on my favorite TV shows
Pictures from my Mexico trip
Funny people I see on the bus


  1. I am so going to enjoy reading this!

  2. I'm following you somehow... not quite sure what that means. But I'm doin it. Seems stalkerish.

  3. Is opinios an indication of how awesome this blog will be? Vince you may be the only blogger I will ever read...
    Steph Seabrook

  4. I am living vicariously through you buddy, don't let me down. Glad I don't ride the bus with you around.
