Tuesday, September 21, 2010

September 21, 2010 ***Spoiler alert*** lots of biking mumbo jumbo

Good day today lets see......... started at school nothing interesting to report there............then me and two people who i cannot name due to confidentiality reasons, I'll call them anonymousRuben and anonymousConner took a trek down to COP (Canada Olympic Park) to do some mountain biking. Now the lifts were closed leading us to assume that the trails were also closed...but not for us we rode anyways and oh man was it glorious. Smooth flowing downhill trails we were in the zone, I dont know why they had closed the trails they were amazing, if your are reading this COP you guys are lame and not hard core at all. But best part about riding was when anonymousConner broke his chain, I think we honestly spent 40 minutes trying to fix his chain, which should be a simple 10 min fix any other day, in the bush hiding from people who were looking for us. Ok lets be real people werent actually looking for us but did it ever feel like it, there were noises coming from close by and you know when you get that feeling like someone is watching you.............ya that is what was going down. But since your all hearing this story you know that i made it out alive.
After this exciting thrill i was off to the hockey game with.........anonymousJon. It was Flames vs. Canucks, actually it was Flames A squad vs. Canucks B squad while the opposite played in Vancouver. First of all great idea NHL i mean you really dont come up with a lot of good ideas but man you really hit it on the head this time.
Quick Outline:
Both home crowds get to watch their favorite players
The teams get a chance to preview all of their new players

We get the preseason over with faster, two games for one team in one night
Simply great idea.
My gripe with game still sits on Daryl Sutters shoulders...why is Tanguay a Flame....and most of all why is he a flame again. Ok he got 2 assists and somebody who has a better job than i do named him the first star of the game but really i dont think he played like first star material...why you ask?
Crappy passing
Bad positioning
Failure to shoot at really good shots...I mean shots I could have made
I guess what im trying to say is that im not hooked on the guy, and i may be a little biast, so good win Flames...it would have been really embarasing to loose to the Vancouver B squad....oh what this just in Vancouver lost to our B sqaud, oh now thats embarasing

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